The Blackwood Project is a Timber Finishing company. This means we also offer factory applied wood stains and wood oil coating for your timber decking or cladding project. Wood Stain coatings for Decks, Cladding or Fences all colours available with all major quality brands of Oil stain offered.
What is Factory Oil coating?
Factory Wood Stain and oil coating timber is a process using a 4 side pressurised mist coat of wood oil that seals your timber before installation. Our factory wood stain coating technology envelopes the timber with high quality pressurised mist, sealing all sides. Our factory, coats house lots of timber for builders and home-owners, dries and packs your timber and sends it to your location.
Benefits of Factory Oil Coating Timber
All new weatherboards and decks require a minimum of 2 wood stain or oil coats at the time of installation. The first timber oil coating must be on all sides of the timber to seal the back, front and sides from weather. The first wood stain coat is the important layer of oil stain that seals the timber and lays the first coating of oil colour.
The process we use gives a precision four sided oil coat, the oil stain coating is a 4 head pressurised mist, giving even colour distribution on the timber. The factory has specialised drying racks with climate control in a dust free environment, to ensure even and controlled drying.
Save Time and Money
Many home-owners believe they will save money applying the wood stain oil coating themselves on site, but we commonly oil coat timber for people who run out of time nd have a builder waiting for the timber.
When oil staining your timber with Wood stain or wood oil, you need a large space, drying racks, weather protection, some luck for good weather and a secure location to avoid theft. These factors are the same when using professional painters too.
When your timber is factory coated with Wood stain or oil, it arrives packed and ready to go directly into storage, or on to the building. You do not need to organise a location for oil coating, nor hope for good weather or coordinate painters.
The cost of a machine coated wood stain to your timber, is less than hiring a painter to do this on site, and is more convenient. Your timber arrives at site ready to go on the building. Contact us to discuss your project.